No Paparazzi, Please!

No Paparazzi, Please!

My network thinks I'm famous.  

You're probably thinking that's my ego talking but listen, it's true. From the camera in my doorbell to the motion activated lights in my closet, it's like my gadgets are just waiting for me to make a move. I've got one specific groupie named Alexa. She's pretty much always listening to me and trying to make my life easier because she knows I'm SO busy. This is... flattering? Who doesn't want fans? At the end of the day, though, a person’s got to have some alone time.  

The reality of 2022 is that you pretty much can't get away from technology. Hence the paparazzi reference. It's in our government, our schools, our homes, and our pockets. No matter where you turn, there's some sort of technological advancement taking place. Even the biggest celebrities need their space, though, and I – as cool as my "assistant" makes me feel – am no exception.  

Queue, the privacy conversation. Did you know you can manage your voice interactions with an in-home assistant like Alexa? To respond to your requests, Alexa needs to be on and listening in your home for her wake word. Ask Alexa what her wake word is and edit accordingly in the app. There are multiple options so you can pick one that feels right for your home. Alexa will only listen once the wake word has been detected, ensuring your random vent sesh to your bestie hasn't been recorded.

Another nice tool to have is being able to change how long Alexa stores your recordings or if she even stores them at all. You can start this conversation by saying "Alexa, how can I manage my voice recordings?" For saved conversations, try asking her to delete something you just said. Alexa will light up a certain way or preview a certain light indicator when listening to you. If you find she's too much of a fly on the wall, ask her to stop listening or press the off button so that she no longer detects audio. At any given moment you can also ask Alexa to tell you what she heard. She'll let you know the most recent thing she heard you say, keeping you constantly in the know of how much Alexa is hearing.  

If confrontation isn't your thing, you can manage all the above in the Alexa app on your smartphone. Just go to "Alexa Privacy Settings" to personalize your privacy and ensure Alexa is operating as you want her to. Although January 28th is Data Privacy Day, you can and should review these settings as often as you'd like. Smart technology is innovatively independent by nature but should be tailored to your comfort level. After all, you're the one sharing space with your network every day. It's important to take the time to dive into these settings and make sure your devices are in line with your personal values on data privacy.  

Got questions or need help with your own network settings? Reach out to or click here. We're passionate about keeping you comfortable in your smart home. Consider us your personal bodyguards when it comes to data privacy and ensuring your gadgets give you just the right amount of publicity.  
